Chair | |
Sir Peter Williams | Chairman of the Engineering & Technology Board and Past President, Institute of Physics |
Speakers | |
Professor Mike Gregory | Head, Institute for Manufacturing, University of Cambridge |
Martin Temple | Director General, Engineering Employers Federation |
Patrick Robinson |

Mike Gregory

Martin Temple

Patrick Robinson

Speakers and Committee
Engineering, Science and Technology are fundamental to wealth creation and hence critical to the social and economic prosperity of the United Kingdom. The subject is fast becoming the “hot topic” for this Autumn not least due to:
- Significant focus in the Chancellor of the Exchequer’s summer spending review
- Encouragement of the Regional Development Agencies to incorporate innovation and entrepreneurship into the Regional Manufacturing Strategies
- Publication of the Engineering and Technology Board (ETB) report on “The Frontiers of Innovation: Wealth Creation from Science, Engineering and Technology”
The presentations commencef by showcasing some key opportunities in this sector within the East of England, followed by a look at the ambitions, constraints and difficulties faced by companies in exploiting advances in technology. Finally, the Government’s position and associated support strategies to this important sector were outlined.